Fot - kommendering fritt följ

by Lotta Bergman


3.49 usd

A voice-commanded Board app for exercise of the free companion / linförighet / compliance under the rules of 2017 in obedience and service classes, targeting "overtraining" but with the rules of each class as a base. The programs that are unique and are produced randomly each time can be modified by step may be omitted. It is possible to add a random reward signal and select the number of rewards. One can plunge into uncertainty and listen to a random program, or read the program first before you listen, or putting it in the hands of a friend who is not familiar with obedience to the rules and be commanded by him / her.It is possible to select the number of seconds to the start, the program duration, the time between the commands, the number of repetitions of a whole program and how long you want to rest and play between repeats. It is just the starting class that has a competition program because it is so well described in the rules. There is a male and a female race leader to choose from.The commands are read out while the print on the screen. To keep track of the pace it is in between the levels used color-help.Read more on the apps website: